.......BROKEN ENGLISH MODE(lantaklah)......
I know I'm too far astray from the teachings of YOU ALLAH ...Sometimes I still remember YOU the GREATEST ONE.Is it fair just remember YOU when I found it difficult??... I want to live like people who can determine their own lives without expecting help from the people around them.I want to grow with maturity who can take me to enjoy a decent life. I also know "he" is not perfect, but I have to give him a chance. although many people do not like our relationship, and I know there is wisdom in our relationship lasted until now despite the various obstacles we had witnessed.
ALLAH, I ask you bestow a blessing to my family, my close friend, my siblings and him.Limpahkalah kami rezeki so we are able to achieve happiness in your straight path ya ALLAH.Strengthen our hearts in order to be able to remember YOU and be grateful to receive your trials. 0nly YOU i ask for. I hope to be a SOLEHAH woman who clung to the teaching and instruction of YOU.
I seek guidance fr0m u GOD...syukur di atas limpahan kurniaan mu selama ini ya ALLAH.Aku beryukur aku dilahirkan dari agama suci mu.Moga kehidupan ku diberkati-MU ALLAH. THANK YOU VERY MUCH ALLAH....
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